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First and foremost, I just wanna say I am beyond elated that I have FINALLY started my blog. What originally started as my senior thesis for college, has ended up as a passion project that I want to continue to create because honestly, having my own blog has been a dream of mine for a very very long time. So shout out to me (and my amazing professor Augusta Palmer for giving me the push I needed) for finally creating it! So now that we got all that mushy shit out the way:

My name is Leah (preferably spelled without the "H" it's just more aesthetically pleasing that way.) I’m currently 23 years old, I’m a leo (the only sign that matters if we being honest) and I’m in my last year of college as a communications major 🥳 On a more personal level, I come from a Trinidadian and Venezuelan background. I was born and raised in Brooklyn NY (Brooklyn get the money, not Queens sorry not sorry) and as you can probably assume from this blog already, I LOVE writing.

Aside from my passion of loving to write, I’ve also been extremely into fashion and beauty my whole life. I’m also an aspiring makeup artist (for all my OG Instagram/twitter followers, the name beat by lea should sound familiar to y’all, y’all know the vibes!) I’d love to dabble in the idea of becoming a stylist as well. I absolutely LOVE all genres of music. I enjoy traveling, I genuinely believe dogs are better than most people, and meditation/manifestation feels like second nature to me (ya girl loves all that good spiritual shit) I truly cannot be boxed in. Ever since a child I have taken an interest in many things, which can be a tad bit overwhelming at times, but I just love having multiple creative outlets. It keeps me grounded.

So what exactly is beat by lea about? Well to piggyback on my previous statement about my love for makeup, beat is a term used in the beauty community to signify when something looks flawless and amazing. Literally, that’s how I view my blog. The inner perfectionist in me will accept nothing less.

Given the current state of the world today, I feel as if it is important to uplift black people (black women in particular) and give them a safe space to express our emotions and creativity & that is exactly what I plan on doing with this blog. There is no specific end goal here, although I do want to focus this blog on life advice, interviews will fellow black creatives, think pieces, fashion/beauty columns, literally EVERYTHING that a black person can benefit from. For a lack of better words, I post whatever interests me and whatever pays homage to the culture/black experience.

I’m so excited to share all of my thoughts and creativity with the world & hopefully I have created something that the little black girl in me would be proud of today ✨

With love always,



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