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Creative Highlight 08: Music: Ken Janus X

As we have gathered by now, if you've been reading my blog for quite some time now, all of my friends are talented. Period. Ken Jaunus X is no exception. Literally, we have been internet friends for YEARS. I would always see him on Instagram and twitter doing his thing and I thought to myself, wow we need to be friends like ASAP. He's super talented and not to mention funny as FUCK so why not reach out and see what happens? & thus this interview was born. Kendell is a 22 year old artist from Brooklyn NY trying to make a name for himself in this tough music industry we know today. We had a FaceTime interview to discuss his views on the music industry and how being a black creative has pushed him to be amazing at his craft.


Me: What makes you a creative?

Kendell: Well, I'm not a rapper, I'm an artist. I write and I sing. It's so funny because I started out rapping as a writing exerscise and it just so happened that the raps that I wrote was pretty decent. The first two songs I actually wrote were freestyles.

Me: How did you come up with the name "Ken Janus X?"

Kendell: Well I originally was going to go by my name which is Kendell but after a while I decided it wasn’t right so I chose Ken Janus. I was doing some research on like Greek mythology and found this God name Janus. He was like the god of time and passage ways which resonated with me a lot because I was so obsessed with like the future and different timelines when I was younger.

Me: Do you have any upcoming projects we should know about? Also what is the driving force that makes you want to be an artist?

Kendell: I've always been into music. The household I grew up in always had music, a lot of hip hop and r&b. Living with my grandma, mom and uncles they would always play DMX and Jay Z and Nas. My mom would play Erykah Badu and Common. So when I was about 10, I got introduced to pop music and it introduced me to a new side of music I never heard. When I was in middle school growing up Rihanna had re invented herself in so many different ways, Lady Gaga had just came out, so seeing these people really inspired me. I went to a performing high school actually. I would come home from school and practice literally every day. I used to write so much original songs in high school. The stronger I got vocally and writing wise I thought to myself wow, I could really make something out of this. As far as the projects go I'm dropping something next month. No set date yet, but probably 2 weeks into December i'll drop.

Me: Who are some black women who inspire you?

Kendell: Definitely Nicki, Rihanna, Beyonce and Grace Jones.

Me: Do you believe that men have an advantage over women in the music industry?

Kendell: Men in the industry get to be able to do less. Women no matter if it's a rapper or singer, especially black women, have to do 10x more. They have to be everything to get half of what the men get. Growing up, seeing the black women on my tv that were successful were Nicki, Rihanna, Beyonce, when I watch documentaries on them it's crazy because it's like Nicki is getting this injustice and Rihanna is getting slut shamed for no reason. These women who work really hard get discredited for their hard work. But now there are plenty of black female arts who are thriving and I'm happy about that. Still a lot of double standards, but there's more black female talent now and I'm excited abut that.

Me: Okay, so as always, give some advice to black women.

Kendell: If I can give any advice to black women in general, never fold. There's always been this thing where men are very scared of black women which is why you always see fuckery when it comes to how black women get treated. I'm not a black woman, but being gay and dealing with men, I know how men are, and I've had to deal with it first hand. I want black women to know how strong they are, and that they are the prize. Believe in yourself and never fucking fold, ever.

Make sure to follow Kendell on Instagram @kenjanusx

Also, check out Kendell on soundcloud!

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