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Creative Highlight 07: Entertainment: Su Saint

Podcasts are the future. I recently started getting into them more because for a while, I never really found them that interesting only for the simple fact that I'm so much more a visual person, and most podcasts are strictly audio (idk I just feel as if I retain information better while I'm listening to someone talk/ educate me WHILE I can see them) But as I fell down the rabbit hole of finding podcasts (black ones of course) that actually captured my interest, I became OBSESSED. Podcasts such as "We don't bite" and "Bodega Boys" have been in rotation on a consistent level for me. I feel like when you listen to a podcast, you want to feel as if you're actually there, almost as if it's like you and your close group of friends are just sitting around, talking shit, having a good time. The Namiko Show does exactly that. Now unfortunately, I happen to only know 1/4 of the Namiko show hosts lol. So I couldn't interview everyone. But nevertheless my good friend Kaba and I sat down to discuss how The Namiko Show came about and how they have influenced the culture as 4 black men trying to make a name for themselves.


Me: As a black creative, what do you do?

Kaba: So I'm 1/4 of a podcast called The Namiko Show. We just started it this year In August. Right now we just talk about current events, pop culture etc. We wanna start a YouTube page as well to do vlogs and stuff and get some visuals of the podcast on there too.

Me: So clearly you're apart of a collective, it's 4 of you guys, so what roll do you specifically play in The Namiko show? Did you start the podcast yourself?

Kaba: My mans had a vision, and I was with it. He came to us and told us that he wants to start a podcast. We're all friends so we're always arguing and debating about certain topics, so we just decided to start a podcast. The role I play, I don't wanna say I'm the comedic relief but that's how it plays out sometimes.

Me: What exactly is your podcast about?

Kaba: So we like to focus on relatable shit for people within the age range of like 20-27 year olds. Shit you basically go through in your 20s. Dating, tryna pursue a career, tryna make money, all while incorporating trending topics such as politics and other controversial shit.

Me: Do you guys have guests often? It's 4 men so I was just curious as if there have ever been any women on your show.

Kaba: We've had multiple guests on the podcast before, 2 women actually, one has a clothing line and one has a YouTube channel. We talk about women quite frequently on the podcast actually. We most definitely wanna include more women on the podcast too. We wanna get a trans women on the show for next season actually. We just wanna educate people.

Me: So why should we pay attention to The Namiko Show? There's so many podcasts out there but what makes yours special?

Kaba: There's a lot of negative connotations to men and starting podcasts and I can see why because some topics are dry and outdated. But we like to talk about new shit that people actually wanna listen to. We're very open minded, and we're handsome so, there's that. Honestly, I feel like were different from everyone else who has a podcast. When we first started we got some good promo. For the first year already, we did great, we started in late august and got about 2000 plays so far globally. We're just growing. We wanna continue to strentghten our brand. Also, I don't listen to other podcasts. All the inspiration I need is right in front of me, it's me and my guys.

Me: So obviously the people don't know this, but you're always talking about how you're going to be famous which I definitely believe by the way, I'm manifesting that for you, how are you as a creative going about that?

Kaba: I've been thinking about this for a long time, because everyone thinks I'm funny, people love listening to me talk so I always thought about doing skits. Back in the day, I used to dance, and I can still dance. I feel like I'm talented. Dancing, acting, maybe singing, I feel like if you put me in the studio I can do a lil something. I'm always 5 steps ahead of everyone. I just wanna be famous because I see nothing else for me. I'm still in school, I'm still getting my degree for mental health, and I'm going to incorporate that into me being famous.

Me: Do you feel like you being black man has hindered you in any ways in terms of your podcast or anything else creatively you want to do? Do you feel like being a man gives you a leg up on black women who want to pursue the same things?

Kaba: As a black man, do things hinder me? Yes. in the creative field most definitely. They always wanna certain look or presence and sometimes it's anti black which can make you conform to something you're not. I would say yes I do have a leg up on black women, yes. It's so hard for women to get they're foot in doors. and being a black woman its just 10x harder. If a black man makes a mistake it's talked about for like 2 mins, if a black woman does it its like a stain on her career forever. Look a the Megan the stallion shit. People are bashing her for no reason. I don't like saying I have a leg up, but if a black woman wants to start a podcast go for it. Women are more cognitive than men. Any black woman that wants to do something creatively go for it. 9/10 times you'll get the support you need from other black women and other black people in general.

Me: Okay so this is something I do at the end of every interview, Give some advice to black women in general.

Kaba: Embrace who you are unapologetically. Be who you think you are and who you can become. the limitations people put on black women can be a lot, but there nothing you can't do. Black women are the blueprint. Y'all can achieve and surpass. Start loving yourself. Social media can put a stain on y'all, but don't pay no mind to it. As much rejection there is in the world there's acceptance too. Just be who you are.

Make sure to follow Kaba on instagram @_su.saint

Also make sure to check out their newest episode!

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